
Megasaver F60 model MS302425

Model specificaties
Artikelnummer 300400100
External dimensions LxWxH approx. 3033 x 2443 x 2610 mm
Dimensions internal LxWxH approx. 2840 x 2250 x 2240 mm
Net daylight size single door WxH approx. 1045 x 2085 mm (when opened to 90 degrees)
Collection capacity approx. 950 litres
Weight approx. 1750 kg
Fire resistance (F60 ) Efectis report (whole unit): 2016-Efectis-R000221[Rev.1]/GHJ/TNL

Artikelnummer 300400100
External dimensions LxWxH approx. 3033 x 2443 x 2610 mm
Dimensions internal LxWxH approx. 2840 x 2250 x 2240 mm
Net daylight size single door WxH approx. 1045 x 2085 mm (when opened to 90 degrees)
Collection capacity approx. 950 litres
Weight approx. 1750 kg
Fire resistance (F60 ) Efectis report (whole unit): 2016-Efectis-R000221[Rev.1]/GHJ/TNL
Opties en toebehoren
D1: Double door B=1500 mm instead of single door 300400150
D2: Extra single door B=1000 mm 300400151
D3: Extra double door B=1500 mm 300400152
W: F60 fire resistant partition wall for MS-xx2425 300400154

D1: Double door B=1500 mm instead of single door 300400150
D2: Extra single door B=1000 mm 300400151
D3: Extra double door B=1500 mm 300400152
W: F60 fire resistant partition wall for MS-xx2425 300400154
Hiltra F60 (semi) gasflesdepot model GD-MS 6 (nieuw uit voorraad)
€ 3.791,70
SWD Ribbenbuiskachel type RIT 200 (Mechaheat)
€ 441,70
Chemicalienkast type CK40-LB
€ 519,20
SWD Ribbenbuiskachel type RIT 200 (Cetal)
€ 441,70